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Lowering Your Auto Insurance Premiums

Your auto insurance premium is what you will pay for your car insurance coverage and is usually paid yearly or quarterly. Many factors will affect your auto insurance premium such as your location, your gender, your age, your vehicle, your credit score, your marital status, your claims history and your driving record.

Since no one likes to pay a lot for car insurance, here are some tips that can help you find a lower auto insurance premium.

  • Choosing A Higher Deductible: Choosing a higher deductible can help you lower your auto insurance premiums. Your deductible is the amount you will have to pay before your auto insurance coverage kicks in. Make sure you can still afford to pay your deductible in an emergency.
  • Driving Less: If you drive less you could be eligible for a discount to lower your auto insurance premiums. Many auto insurance companies offer a low mileage discounts to customers who meet a certain mileage requirement.
  • Making Your Car Safe: Having a safer vehicle could also save you money on your auto insurance premiums. Many companies will offer a discount for people whose cars have safety features such as passenger airbags and passive restraint systems.
  • Taking A Driver’s Safety Course: Completing a course in drivers safety could save you money on your auto insurance premiums with a safe driver discount. Many auto insurance companies will lower premiums for people who have completed an approved drivers safety course.
  • Shop Around: Shopping around is the best way to lower your auto insurance premiums. Comparing quotes from multiple auto insurance companies will help you find the lowest auto insurance premiums.

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